Cheers to Airuis
Fireside Karash Chat Inc. (newly formed) would like to welcome to our fold the administrator known only as Airuis. In commemoration of this great event, High Lord Nekroden has assumed a new title; and...
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lie all u want nekroden... =) btw, did melvin ever get his stapler back? that guy was so cute... so sad how he got moved to the basement... and they took him off the payroll but didn't bother telling...
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Lie? I'm not the liar...YOU ARE! You want proof? Uh...oh, I've got it. You say NSYNC is a "musical group." We all know damned well that the stuff NSYNC records isn't music. So there No, Melvin never...
View ArticleRe: Cheers to Airuis
well, you've got your opinion, i've got mine. but we all know who's better looking... (jc) 'sides u can't get me down... i'm listening to a song called "good morning sunshine" lol. gotta take...
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YOU GET PORN?! WHAT CHANNELI WANT PORN TOO! nekrotic lullabies while I sleep
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Quote: WHAT CHANNELplease... read my above post more CAREFULLY... don't u guys get hbo at dorms? <shrugs> anyways, the episodes of real sex 22 and 23 were rather... amusing... and about porn, i...
View ArticleRe: Cheers to Airuis
weird, i just saw that guy that was in "Office Space" in another movie, "Swingers". ~the one that gets promoted for doing jack shit. anyways, swingers is a total guy movie...
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You saw Swingers? That movie is excellent. It shows females the way they are, and guys the way they are. Wonderful movie. nekrotic lullabies while I sleep
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when i first watched that movie, i almost fell asleep. guys how they really are... haha funny. do guys call a girl RIGHT after they get her number at a bar and keep leaving message after message on...
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You are doing something typically feminine right now, and passing judgement on something of which you are unawares. If you had watched the entire movie you would understand, and that isolated scene is...
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u read into my reply WAY to far... i was JOKING. sheesh... MEN~ <rolls eyes> or should i say, /roll "eyes"?
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There, you're doing it again. Typical woman, always rolling her eyes at what she doesn't understand nekrotic lullabies while I sleep
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You bicker like an old married couple.... One's dilusional while the other just keeps on talking... It's hard to tell who's who, Im still working on it, but if you can figure it out then come see me...
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implants, huh? sorry to break it to ya, but the man's 100% real. are you?
View ArticleRe: Cheers to Airuis
JC has pectoral implants and a penile implant. Some of the other members do as well. It was a minor scandal a year or so back; I'm suprised you didn't notice. JC has admitted the pectoral ones, but...
View ArticleRe: Cheers to Airuis
I'M SURPRISED YOU FOLLOWED UP ON THIS... haha... and how the heck would u know that he had a penile implant (or a pectoral one...) hmmmm. makes me wonder...
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